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Dentist Search

Local service combined with access to two of the largest dentist networks in Oklahoma and nationwide is a major benefit when selecting Delta Dental of Oklahoma. Our vast networks and customized plan design also mean extended access for you.
The Delta Dental Premier Network.
The Delta Dental Premier network is the largest network of practicing dentists in the nation, comprised of participating dentists that provide comprehensive benefits and competitive pricing by agreeing to accept treatment fees mutually agreed upon with Delta Dental of Oklahoma. This network consists of nearly 90 percent of the practicing dentists in Oklahoma, and nearly two-thirds of the nation’s practicing dentists.
The Delta Dental PPO Network.
The Delta Dental PPO network is Delta Dental’s preferred provider organization (PPO) program. The Delta Dental PPO network is among the largest PPO network available, consisting of more than 40 percent of the nation’s practicing dentists. These dentists agree to provide deeper discounts mutually agreed upon with Delta Dental of Oklahoma.
Looking for a dentist locally or nationwide?
Access a national database of Delta Dental providers via the link below:
Link to Our National Dentist Directory
Delta Dental Networks: Our Strength & What It Means to You.
At Delta Dental of Oklahoma, we extend your network access while providing unmatched claims savings and cost protection. Traditional PPO programs only provide discounts if you stay in their PPO network. At Delta Dental of Oklahoma, we provide access beyond our PPO network. Now that’s network strength!

Extend your network coverage with the Delta Dental “Safety Net”
while receiving unmatched claims and cost protection.

See how your protection is extended with
the Delta Dental “Safety Net”